News from DAIICHI

DAIICHI Elektronik Hindistan’da Teknoloji Günü Düzenledi
Yerli Multimedya Üreticisi Hindistan’da Teknoloji Günü Düzenledi. DAIICHI Elektronik, Hindistan’ın Pune Şehrinde bulunan TATA Fabrikasında otomotiv sektörünün temsilcileriyle bir araya geldi. Infotainment(araç içi bilgi-eğlence sistemleri), ses sistemleri ve konsept ürünlerinin sergilendiği ‘Teknoloji Günü’nde yeni teknoloji ürünleri tanıtıldı. TATA Motors mühendislerinin yoğun ilgi gösterdiği etkinlikte konuşan DAIICHI Elektronik Genel Müdürü Ömer Tunç Akdeniz, Araç içi OEM multimedya ve

Daiichi Elektronik’in yeni AR-GE merkezi açıldı
Otomotiv elektroniği alanında kullanıcılara yepyeni deneyimler sunmayı hedefleyen DAIICHI Electronic’in Gebze Bilişim Vadisi’nde yer alan ikinci ARGE Merkezi, Doğan Holding İcra Kurulu Üyesi Eren Saricoglu, Karel Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve CEO’su Yaman Tunaoglu, DAIICHI Electronic Genel Müdürü Ömer Tunç Akdeniz, Karel CFO’su Arda Denizhan, DAIICHI Electronic ARGE Direktörü Emrah Yürüklü, İş Geliştirme Direktörü Doruk Kara

Dünya otomotiv sektörü Türk mühendislerin geliştirdiği multimedya sistemlerini kullanıyor
Türk ortaklar tarafından 20 yıl önce kurulan firmada, Türk mühendisler tarafından geliştirilen yerli araç içi bilgi-eğlence ürünleri, dünya çapındaki otomobil markalarınca kullanılıyor. Büşra Nur Yılmaz | 26.11.2021 Sürücü ve yolcuların konforunu ve sürüş güvenliğini artırmak, onlara daha keyifli bir yolculuk yaşatabilmek amacıyla otomotiv multimedya sistemleri geliştiren Türk firması, dünyada 50’den fazla otomobil modeline bu ürünleri

Dünyaya Multimedya Sistemi Üreten Marka: DAIICHI
DAIICHI, Japonca’da ‘Bir Numara’ anlamına gelmektedir. Otomotiv elektroniği alanında ülkemizi dünya arenasında güçlü temsil etmeye devam eden DAIICHI’nin 2002 yılında kurulmasından sonra süregelen başarı hikayesini derledik. Bugün DAIICHI, sürücü ve yolcuların konforunu, sürüş güvenliğini artırmak ve onlara daha keyifli bir yolculuk yaşatabilmek amacıyla araç içi multimedya sistemleri, hoparlör, direksiyon simidi ve geri görüş kameraları üretiyor.

Yerli Akıllı-Radyo Avrupa Yollarında
Yerli Multimedya Sistemi, Avrupa’da 30.000 araçta kullanılmaya başlıyor. DAIICHI’nin, Bursa’daki ARGE Merkezi’nde Türk Mühendisleri tarafından geliştirilen, yerli araç içi bilgi eğlence (multimedya) sistemi FIAT’ın tamamen elektrikli 500BEV Action modelinde hayat buluyor. DAIICHI Elektronik Genel Müdürü, Ömer Tunç Akdeniz, “Akıllı Radyo” projesi ile her araca özel tasarlanmış yüksek maliyetli sistemlere karşı yenilikçi bir alternatif geliştirdiklerini ve

New Fiat 500 BEV Smart Radio
Developed by Turkish Engineers at DAIICHI’s R&D Center in Bursa, the innovative in-car infotainment system contributing to Turkey’s Electronics Industry comes to life in FIAT’s all-electric 500BEV Action model. Thanks to the innovative in-car infotainment system without a screen, controlled by smartphones with IOS and Android operating systems; You will have easy access to applications

Fiat Professional Ducato drivers sit back and enjoy – with new DAIICHI infotainment and audio systems
Press Release, DAIICHI Electronics, January 2020 Istanbul, Turkey, January 2020 – A brand new connectivity experience is awaiting drivers of the new Fiat Professional Ducato: The new infotainment system by DAIICHI will help drivers stay connected to their vehicles and the world around them, featuring voice control capabilities and more realistic navigation. The new system

We attended the BIG2019
We attended the BIG2019 event organized by Ford Otosan at their state of the art R&D Center, in Sancaktape, İstanbul.During the event we meet with Ford Otosan’s talented engineers and had chance to introduce our new infotainment systems.

DAIICHI Research Team
Great to see happy faces at our research center, located in Bursa. Our Research team is happy to complete successful patent application about V2X protocols. Keep up the hard work team!

New speaker systems for Navistar are on their way!
The new speaker systems developed by DAIICHI Elektronik will be used in all commercial vehicles of the legendary heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer of the United States, Navistar. 16 different speaker systems were developed for 8 different vehicles for vehicles manufactured in Navistar’s North American factories.

DAIICHI R&D’s patent applications increase
n 2002, established with 100% Turkish capital DAIICHI electronic customer-oriented maintains its vision of being the leading company in Turkey in automotive electronics products and services sector by offering an approach in Turkey and serve the time the best quality products at cost to customers in all countries. Within the scope of the project developed

DAIICHI Electronics Receives ISO 27001 Certificate
DAIICHI Elektronik successfully completed the ”ISO 27001: 2013 Information Security and Management System l (ISMS) project, which was initiated with the aim of securing the YS confidentiality, integrity and availability ini of information. DAIICHI was awarded the ISO 27001 certificate by providing the system requirements in a very short time. Within the scope of the

Information Security Management System training was organized
Information Security Activities; to ensure that information security management is ensured within the scope of human, infrastructure, software, hardware, establishment information, third party information and financial resources; personnel trainings are ongoing.

We Celebrated Our 17th Year Anniversary
We are proudly celebrate the 17th year of establishment of DAIICHI . We have been working hard and effectively to increase the technological independence level of Turkey since 2002. We are getting strong day by day with our knowledge in technology and internationally successful projects. While we are trying to keep the domestic demands with

We participated in the Made in Uzbekistan Expo
We participated in the Made in Uzbekistan exhibition held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan between 27-30 November 2018. During the exhibition, our visitors had the chance to discover our newest and groundbreaking products. During the expo, where we were very interested in our booth, our company was introduced and opportunities were provided to share